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Newborn twins girls games 8.0.2
Titan Media
Hi, how are you? Do you want to do somethingexciting today? If you want to do a good work we have a solution,we will provide you an opportunity, you will have to help a youngmother who is going to born the two children. Our young friend isvery stressed. Mary wants to have two healthy children andtherefore very she needs the help from a doctor. Do you think youcan play the role of a responsible and professional doctor? If youthink you can offer your help then this is the perfect kids gamefor you, you will have the opportunity to prove to everyone thatyou're a very good doctor.Please be very careful because Mary is unwell and needs all yoursupport.Follow all instructions of this new born baby game for kids.Good luck!1) You will enter into the cabinet and you will meet Mary;2) The young woman is waiting for you to see her;3) Check her heartbeat;4) Make an ultrasound to see that babies are healthy;5) Now she is ready to born;6) After the two children are born please sit them in bed and thenyou have to consult them;7) Children are very healthy;8) Prepare the room where they will stand;9) You have to do cleaning;10) Decorate the room to be very beautiful;11) Young mother and her children feel good and everything is dueto a very good doctor.Thank you for your help, you are a good friend and please comeback to help us through this cleaning game for girls.Have fun!
Newborn Baby Got Flu 5.4.0
Titan Media
Hello, young children are more sensitive andtherefore require special attention. Because the immune system ofchildren is lower children can become easily sick and thereforethey should go to the doctor. Today through this game with doctorsfor children you will be able to play the role of a very famousdoctor. Today you will be a doctor that all children love him. Doyou want to help us to treat Asia? She feels very bad and she needsthe help of a friend. Surely this game for girls will help you testyour skills, you'll be able to prove to everyone that you can helpanyone in need.Asia has emotions and she is very scared of doctors, therefore youhave to behave very nicely with her.Please follow all instructions of this game to care forbabies.Good luck!- At the beginning of the game you will meet the littleAsia;- You have to start consultation;- Apply a gel forehead, this gel will remove the headache;- Check if the girl has a fever;- Check heartbeat;- The child has fever and have to start appropriatetreatment;- Offer syrup for sore throat;- Make an injection, it will strengthen her immunity;- Apply eye drops;- Now you have to give her water to hydrate;- The flu is dangerous and you must be careful in how you apply thetreatment;- The child feels better now, you're a very good doctor.Thank you for helping, please come back daily to help us throughthis game.Have fun!
Bride Makeover Salon 6.4
Titan Media
Hi, all girls know that the wedding day isvery important for a girl, her wedding day is a remarkable time andwants it to be perfect on this day. A young girl to have theperfect wedding makes many sacrifices to look great on and sheespecially takes care of every detail of the party. For a perfectwedding she needs aid through this game for girls and we hope thatyou are able to offer her your help. For her wedding a girl wantsto be a beautiful memory and for this to become reality she wantsyou to give her help. This wedding day game for girls offers youthe opportunity to work in a beauty salon and we're sure that youwill manage to do everything that has to. Today, you can entertainyourself with us, you will love this salon game and we are sure youwill be able to prove to everyone that you are a responsible child.If you want to become a friend of the bride will have to payattention to everything that she wants to help her be happy in themost important day of her life.For the mission to have a happy ending will have to follow allinstructions of the game.Good luck!- You'll know Ailyn;- This is sad because the dress does not look good;- You will have to wash and repair the dress;- Wash the dress with special detergent;- Decorate car to look great on her wedding day;- Now you have to help the Ailyn to look good;- Cleanse her face with exfoliating gel;- Apply a fruit mask to help her skin to look good;- Rinse with warm water;- Apply a moisturizer;- Clip the eyebrows;- Remove spots and acne;- Now you have to makeup her;- Apply: contact lenses, lipstick, mascara, powder and eyeshadowcheeks;- Choose a suitable hairstyle;- Choose the most beautiful dress and do not forget theaccessories;- After you have taken care of Aylin you will have to helpNestor;- He needs a costume and accessories;- The bride and groom look great, you're a good friend.Thank you for help, please come back every day to help usthrough this makeover game for girls.Have fun!
Dolphin Baby Birth 7.9.1
Titan Media
Hi, sure you like dolphins because they aresome beautiful and clever mammals. Dolphins are spread worldwideand we find most often in areas that are not very deep along thecoast. Dolphins are very playful and we can see how they play. Ifyou go into a reservation you can see dolphins that are trained andyou can how they communicate. If you're excited about this mammalthen you will definitely love to help make a baby dolphin. Thiskids game with dolphins will give you the opportunity to play therole of a doctor and certainly entertain you well.For everything to come out exactly as planned, please follow allinstructions of the game.Good luck!- At first you have to get in the water where you will find thedolphin;- It expects to go to him;- You can begin consultation;- Check heartbeat;- Check blood pressure;- Check if the dolphin has a fever;- Now you need to do an ultrasound to see if the little dolphincould be ready to be born;- Make dolphin anesthesia;- Now you can get acquainted with the little dolphin;- He is very nice;- You have to check the weight and length;- Then you have to put him in a bed;- Mother and little dolphin feel very well.Thank you for everything you did today, you are a good doctorand a very good friend. Please come back every day through thisgame for kids.Have fun!
Grilled fish cooking games 8.5.2
Titan Media
Hi, after a tasty meal, we want a deliciousdessert and what could be more appropriate than some deliciouspancakes with cream and some strawberry that can give a greattaste. The dessert about we speak is easy to do but we do not dotoo well in the kitchen, we always appeal to our friends to prepareourselves abundant and delicious meals. All our friends are verygood cooks and we hope you to be an excellent cook. Sure you payattention when your mother cook and you can cook for us, today youwill help us through this game for kids. You're a great kid and nowyou're our friend, we are very happy but if you manage to cook thisdessert you will prove that you're a good cook.This kids cooking game will help you to test your culinary skillsfor the recipe to come out as we planned you will have to be verycareful to follow all instructions and steps.We wish you success!1) At the beginning of the game you have to go shopping and buyeverything that you need. The ingredients are hiding among thetrees and you will have to collect them. Ingredients and utensilsthat you will need to obtain are: lemon juice, mixer, whisk, pan,flour, sugar, oil, water and butter;2) To prepare pancakes, you need a bowl in which you will enter:eggs, water, milk, flour, salt and sugar. You have to mixwell;3) Now ignite the stove, place a pan, add oil and it is time tobake pancakes;4) You need to prepare cream and for this you need: vanilla cream,strawberry cream, sugar, vanilla extract and lemon juice. You haveto mix well;5) Add cream and strawberries on pancakes and then runs;6) You have prepared two delicious pancakes and it is time todecorate with cream. You can choose any setting you want and yourfavorite beverage.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choose andother cooking games, girls games and games for girls.Thank you, you have prepared a delicious dessert through thisgame. You can come back anytime you want!Have fun and bon appetite!
Baby Sofia Birth 6.7.2
Titan Media
Hi, it's great to be witnessing an importantevent and today you will be enjoying an incredible experience, youcould be with a friend of ours when she will have to give birth.Since she is pregnant she is very nervous and always thinks thatmoment when her daughter will be born. She will definitely be agood mother and that is why we want to help her to have a healthybaby through this game for kids. You'll be able to prove to allthat you can be a good friend and an excellent doctor. Youdefinitely made a good choice when you chose to be with us throughthis game for girls, which is why you can guarantee that you'll getan amazing entertainment.We trust you and we look forward to know the little Sofia.Pay attention to details.Follow all instructions of this game to care for children.Good luck!- At first you have to help our friend to give birth;- You will need to consult her;- Check blood pressure;- Check heartbeat;- Check if the girl has fever;- Now you have to do ultrasound to see the baby's condition;- Do anesthesia;- The girl was born;- You will need to consult her;- Check heartbeat;- Check weight and height;- Change the diaper;- Apply a special lotion;- Now you have to give her milk;- Choose the most beautiful clothes;- Decorate the child's room;- Mother and baby feel good, you're a very good doctor.Thank you for your help, without you we would not have to meetSophie, we will expect you every day to help us through this gamefor girls.Have fun!
Grilled pork cooking games 8.5.2
Titan Media
Hello, how are you today? do you think thatyou can attend a huge party in the garden? You probably alreadythink or imagine a garden with greenery and very beautifullydecorated, with people that you love, people that are smiling andwho enjoy the beauty of life. For a party to be perfect shall be asa food, so this cooking game for kids is great, it will help youparticipate in preparing a special lunch. Today you will have tocook chicken on the grill, this recipe is delicious, but for thisrecipe to come out delicious you will have to be careful and followall the steps and instructions that you will find in this game forkids. Be careful because depending on what you cook you can provethat you are a good cook.Success!1) In the first stage you will find the ingredients on theshelves, you will have to select what you need in order to respectthe recipe. The following ingredients and utensils should be placedin your cart: flour, salt, pepper, flour, mixer, tongs, vinegar,sauce, water and garlic;2) Now all the ingredients have to sit on the table;3) After you have placed all the ingredients you can begin toprepare recipe, first you have to add the following ingredients ina bowl: water, sauce, oil, salt, lemon juice, hot sauce, vinegar,salt, black pepper, granulated garlic and pepper white then mixwell;4) The composition of the above you need to add a few pieces ofchicken and then have to enter everything in the fridge for a fewminutes;5) All the meat has to sit on the grill, you have to turn on bothsides to do very well;6) After you have made ??the meat, place them on a plate and do notforget that you can decorate however you want the table but you canchoose any beverage you like.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choose andother cooking games, girls games and games for girls.Thank you because you helped with the meal preparation, you're agood cook, sure all the guests will be very pleased.Have fun and good appetite!
Girl Wash Kitchen Dishes 11.1
Titan Media
Hi, we have prepared a delicious meal for ourdaughter. We cooked a few hours to prepare what she likes and doesnot look very good kitchen now. We had to clean but we can not dothis alone and that is why we need the help of a friend who canhandle such a problem. With this game you'll be able to prove toeveryone that you are a very hardworking kid, you have to becareful and even use your skills acquired over time. We know thatparents help you when you need to make cleaning the house and youcertainly you are very good at this. If you want to help us toclean up the kitchen this game is exactly what you need forfun.Pay attention to all the details of this game for girls.Follow all instructions of this game for children.Good luck!- At first you have to get in the kitchen, here you will noticethat Ana eat;- She has finished eating and you will have to do cleaning;- Collect all food debris;- Change the tablecloth;- Throw all trash;- Clean the table;- You can choose method to wash dishes;- The first variant is when you wash wth your hands;- Use dishwashing liquid;- If you wash dishes using the dishwasher you will have to use aspecial detergent;- Clean the water from the dishes with a towel;- Arrange all the dishes in the cupboard;- You broken a bowl, you will need to fix;- Glue all the pieces;- Now looks great the kitchen and you have to prepare meals;- In the fridge you will find everything you need;- Redecorate and the kitchen will be more beautiful;- You are a very industrious child.Thank you for help, please come back daily through thisgame.Have fun!
Oregon tuna games for girls 9.6.3
Titan Media
Hello, today is a great day and we want to eatsomething healthy and very good. To satisfy our appetite we thoughtat a recipe with tuna, we all know that tuna fish is very tasty andhealthy and that is why our recipe is amazing. If you want to helpus to prepare a very tasty dinner this cooking game will give youthe opportunity to cook something very good. For the recipe to comeout exactly as you have you will have to pay attention to all theinstructions and you need to follow all the steps and use the exactingredients of this recipe. Of course this kids game will help youto prove that you are a good cook and a good friend who can help usin critical times.Success!1) First you need to go shopping, you have to choose exactlywhat you need from our store, namely: red paprika, cheese, a spoon,a knife, a spoon to mix, a toaster, unsalted butter , salt,mustard, pepper, canned tuna, bagels, black pepper, a bowl, a bowl,olive oil, salad and onion;2) Now you have to start the preparing of dinner, in a bowl youhave to add the following ingredients: tuna, red pepper, lettuce,onion, vinegar, olive oil, coriander, salt, black pepper and mixwell with a wooden spoon.3) After you have prepared the composition is the time to preparethe bun. You have to cut the bun into two pieces, to anoint bothpieces with mustard and mayonnaise, place two slices of cheese andthen you can place the prepared composition in the second stage,then add two slices of cucumber, with a knife you have to putcheese spread melted and after that you have to put the sandwich ona grill.4) You have prepared a very tasty meal, now is the time to takecare of decoration. You must choose the type of table and then thegaskets that you like.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choose andother cooking games, girls games and games for girls.Thank you for preparing dinner, you are a good cook, you canreturn anytime to help us.Have fun and good appetite!
Crazy Beard Shave Salon 9.1
Titan Media
Hi, do you want a business that can producemoney but to give you time to have fun? If you want to have funwith your friends you will definitely stink to do this through thiskids game by shaving. You can be the director of a beauty salon,your job is very important and definitely you will do exactly whatwe need. It is important to know that today all employees have freeand you will have to take care of customers. Do not worry, thereare not many customers, they will be just two and you willdefinitely love to arrange their beard. Through this game for boysyou can make new friends and have part of an incredible experience.The success of this salon is in your hands and we are sure that youwill be able to do everything we need. This game for girls willhelp you show everyone that you are a responsible childPay attention to every detail in order not to have unpleasantsurprises.Follow all instructions beauty of this game for girls.Good luck!- In the beginning you need to know salon;- In a few minutes you will have the first client;- You must be careful what he wishes;- Wash beard with a special shampoo;- Rinse with warm water;- Clean water with a towel;- Use a hair dryer to arrange beard;- Comb hair;- The customer is very happy, his beard looks very good;- Now you have to help them choose the most beautiful andinteresting clothes and accessories;- You did a good job, you're a great friend.Thank you for help, please come back every day to play with usthrough this game for kids.Have fun!
Supermarket Shopping 5.8
Titan Media
Hello, every day your mother goes to shoppingand today you'll be able to do this through this game for girls,you will like what we have prepared for you. We have created a veryfun game for children, you'll be able to play with us each andmoreover you will be able to shop. You will love to go to the storeand buy everything you like. We are sure that this game for girlswill help you show everyone that you can be responsible. Startingtoday you can go shopping with your parents. With this game you'llgo to a shop near the house, there you will find all your favoritesweets and even the newest toys. You can help us to do dailyshopping through this game just for kids.If you want to finish this mission will have to pay attention todetails.Follow all instructions.Success!- Ana is waiting for you;- She needs help;- To be able to buy what you want you have to find districts;- Buy fruits but be careful to be fresh;- Buy the best glasses;- Do not forget to buy ice cream;- Help Ana clean up water on the floor;- Now you have to buy the most interesting accessories;- You have to give her a fresh juice;- Buy the newest toys;- You can make gifts to all your friends;- You did what you had, you're a great friend.Thank you for help, please come back every day through thisgame.Have fun!
Princess Cleaning Home 12.5
Titan Media
Hello, it is a very nice day and we can havefun. Today you will be able to be our friend and even help us totake care of a beautiful princess. It is pregnant and now is onlythe palace. She needs the help of a diligent and responsible child.We know that you are the child that we need and do not forget youhave to do everything that we should be very proud to know you.Through this game for girls you'll be able to help our friend tomake clean, it can not do this alone and only you have to doeverything. Of course, if you need, you will receive our help. Thiscleaning game for kids is very nice and certainly you'll be able totest your abilities.For everything to come out as we planned, please pay attention toall the details of the game with princesses for girls.Follow all instructions of this game.Good luck!- At the beginning of the game you'll be able to get into thecastle;- You will notice that there are many things to do;- We have great confidence in you;- To reach the castle will have to pass on a bridge;- Princess is waiting for you;- This really needs your help;- You must clean the garden;- Collect garbage;- Arrange plants;- In the throne room you need to clean the dust;- Collect garbage;- Arrange all things;- In the bedroom must arrange the paintings;- Clean cobweb;- Arrange toys;- Arrange pillow;- Now you have to do cleaning in the kitchen;- Collect garbage;- Clean the tiles;- You have to wash the dishes;- Clean the tub and sink;- Wash the sandstone;- Choose the most beautiful furniture;- Castle looks great, you had made a very good job.Thank you for help, please come back every day to help usthrough this game for girls.Have fun!
City Mall Shopping 13.1
Titan Media
Hello, every day we want to make interestingand entartaining things. Girls like to go shopping in this way theyrelax and have fun as well. Do you like to go with friends to themall? Do you like to go to the movies or shopping? If you likethese activities means that you are into the right place. Here, inthis game for girls, you'll be able to enjoy with us, we know thatyou really like what we have prepared for you. We do not know youfor a long time but we know exactly what you like and we haveprepared a surprise. Today through this kids game you will go tothe mall and you'll be able to know Alice, she wants to go to themall but needs you. You will have to go with her to help her buythe most beautiful clothes and accessories. Girls also need make-upand you have to help her find the best store. With this makeup gamefor girls you'll be able to prove that you can be a great friendand even you'll be able to use all abilities.Please follow all instructions of the game for children.Pay attention to all the details of the game.Success!- Alice is happy, she wants to go shopping with you;- Unfortunately a fire broke out at the mall;- Firefighters have come and you have to help to extinguish thefire;- The fire was extinguished and Alice can go shopping;- Must pass the guard, the guard should check luggage;- Now you have to help her choose the most beautiful purse;- Help her choose a bag for several types of clothing;- Do not forget to pay everything Alice choice;- Alice wants to drink juice, you have to help;- Then you have to buy items to decorate the house;- Do not forget to buy cosmetics;- After shopping Alice wants to play bowling;- Help her to get the best score;- Do not forget to buy flour for cakes;- You have to buy a mirror;- Choose the most beautiful mirror;- You did a great job, Alice is happy.Thank you for help, please come back every day through thisgame.Have fun!
Pregnant Princess Baby Care 9.7
Titan Media
Hi, we always read about princesses and aboutthe wonderful life that they have and our favorites are certainlythe fairy tale. Princesses exist in reality but the storiescaptivate us all the attention. Today you will have the opportunityto meet a beautiful princess who is pregnant. This is exciting andshe needs the help of a good friend. Surely you will be able to dowhatever it takes for our beautiful friend to be happy. You have abeautiful mission, you will help to childbirth and last but notleast you will have to help the princess to relax at your salonspa. She feels tired and you will have to help her.Pay attention to all the details of the game with princesses forgirls.Obey all instructions of this makeup game for girls.Good luck!- Princess is eager to meet you;- Now she came to the hospital and you will have to consulther;- Check if she has fever;- Check the heartbeat;- Give her a syrup especially for pregnant women;- Make ultrasound to see how the child feels;- The child was born;- You should check height and weight;- Check heartbeat;- Give him food and milk;- Now you must choose the most beautiful clothes for thechild;- Pay attention to accessories;- Mother and baby feel good, you're a good friend.Thank you for help, please come back daily to help us throughthis game for children.Have fun!
Pizza party cooking games 9.6.3
Titan Media
Hi, are you ready to party? We expect to spendwith our loved ones. You're probably wondering why we celebrated sowe'll say. Today is the anniversary of our child, he turned twelveyears and you're invited. What do you think? We'll be together onthis important day? We believe that you will accept the invitationand therefore dare to please help us to prepare meals for allguests. We thought that a good idea would be to prepare pizzabecause it is easy to make and very tasty. Everyone loves pizza. Ifyou're a pizza lover then this kids cooking pizza game will helpyou to prove to everyone that you can cook very well.If you want everyone to be happy then you have to be very attentiveto details and all instructions.Success!1) With a tank you will have to get the ingredients you need.These are: flour, salt, sugar, oil, eggs, milk, cheese, tomatoes,onions and lemons;2) Now you need to cut the onions, garlic and tomatoes;3) In a bowl add flour and water, mix well;4) Turn the stove, place a pan on low heat, add: oil, onion,garlic, tomatoes, cheese and meat;5) Add: yeast, beans, red pepper powder, salt and green pepper. Mixwell;6) Place the dough and then add the sauce;7) Put the pizza in the oven, wait a few minutes until it isready;8) Now pizza is ready, place the pizza on a platter. You candecorate the table anyway you want and you can choose any drink youlike.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choose andother cooking games, girls games and games for girls.Thank you for cooking today pizza you have prepared it verygood. This pizza cooking game helped you to prove that you are agood cook, a good friend.Have fun and bon appetite!
Sushi fish cooking games 9.6.3
Titan Media
Hello friends, today we want to prepare sushi.A good idea, huh? We are lovers of Chinese food and what we want toprepare today is a recipe that we have at our grandmother, it is aspecific recipe and is called Tekka Maki Chinese. This recipefollows the recipe mostly a Japanese sushi but is made with crab.How about would you help us to prepare a delicious dinner? If youwant to help us in this critical situation when you can do this sothrough this cooking sushi game. The game is simple, you will haveto pay attention to all instructions.If you want to get a delicious food you must pay attention at allthe steps and you will be praised for what you cooked.. Prove thatyou are a good cook through this cooking game for kids.Success!1) Ingredients are the butterflies and you will need to obtain,with one click you will be able to place them on the table.Ingredients and utensils you need are: ginger, salt, carrots,cucumbers, sugar, rice vinegar, spoon and a bowl;2) On the table you will find a covered pot, you have to add waterand boil rice;3) Using a spatula will have to sit the rice in a bowl;4) In a bowl add: vinegar, salt, ginger and sugar. Mix well with aspoon;5) The composition of the above have to add over cooked rice;6) Spread the rice, add cucumber, avocado and crab pieces;7) Use a knife to cut;8) You can decorate however you want;Thank you for help, you are a good friend and a very good cook. Youcan come back anytime you want to help us through this game forkids.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choose andother cooking games, girls games and games for girls.Have fun and bon appetite!
Newborn Twins Babysitter 10.9
Titan Media
After my mother was born, I had to go to workand that meant that my brothers had to stay home alone. I can nottake care of them because they are in school, so we have to find ababysitter to help us with this. In this game, you have to be yourbabysitter who will take care of my brothers that will help themgrow. Good luck!1) at first have to help my mother to eat.2) then you will go by ambulance to hospital.3) we need to do a medical examination before beginningbirth.4) children were born, so she must go in their room.5) must apply a treatment.6) now you have to make copies and take them home.7) must wash them as well then you're going to dry them.8) now you'll do and you will help food to eat.9) we need to dress better and mother coming to expect.Thank you for choosing this wonderful game and we invite you totry other games for girls because we know that you really like andenjoy this games.Have fun!
Pregnant Mom Washing Laundry 9.9
Titan Media
Hi There. Today I opened the largest storewith clothes for babies, and I see that we have many customers.Also, a future mother came to us and asked us if we do not know oneperson who can help you find necessary and appropriate clothes forher future child. We know that thou shalt do well, so I told him tocontact you on. In this game, you'll be using the mother, and youtry to give him the best advice and help clean clothes.1) you have to go home and prepare her.2) ve you go to the store, where you will choose some clothes foryour baby.3) should go to the fruit store.4) after you have taken all the necessary things, you have to gohome to her.5) make each garment in the washing machine and start thecar.6) after it has been washed, you should put them outside todry.7) then you will put on the table and you will tread.8) Finally, you should put in the closet and wait childbirth.Thank you very much for choosing this wonderful game, and weinvite you to choose and other games for girls who belong to thedeveloper, and please come back daily to help us through them.Have fun!
Orange soda games for girls 8.5.2
Titan Media
Hi, it is good every morning to start the daywith exercise and with a nutritious breakfast and very tasty. Tohave energy all day we must be very careful about what we eat forbreakfast, along with various filling pancakes, a glass of milk anda cup of tea is perfect even if we could drink fresh juice everyday made even us. How in stores we do not find every time what weare looking for you must know how to make your home propyl juice.What do you think? Are you curious? If so then this cooking game isgreat for kids, you'll have the opportunity to prepare a very goodorange juice. You will not be alone, you will receive all the helpwhich we can provide. This game for kids in which you will have toprepare a delicious juice has some instructions that you will haveto respect them.Be very careful and everything will go well, breakfast will be oneincredible.1) First you will find a list of the ingredients that you need,they are: orange juice, lemon juice, ice cubes, grated lemon peel,grated orange peel, honey and mineral water;2) Squeeze an orange;3) Add in a saucepan which is on low heat over the oven: aboveprepared orange juice, grated orange peel and grated lemon peel.Mix well with a spatula;4) The composition of the above have to sit in a a big glassmeanwhile must enter orange juice in the refrigerator;5) Now you need to add orange juice in a tall glass, over juice youneed to add mineral water. Mix well with a straw;6) Add ice.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choose andother cooking games, girls games and games for girls.The juice is ready, you did very well. You can come back anytimeyou want to help us through this kids game with preparing orangejuice.Enjoy!
Princesses Fashion Dress up 6.8
Titan Media
Hi, we read about princesses in many tales,they are very beautiful and very good and definitely you have afavorite princess. We thought you'd like to know other princessesand so we created a makeup game for girls. Here you will be able toknow a beautiful princess who really needs your help to prepare foran unforgettable party. This is one great party and that's why youhave to be very careful how you help the princess. You can learnmany tricks of beauty that you will use every time you have to goout with friends. All the girls want to have the most beautifulclothes for this to come true they go to designers who createspectacular clothes. Today, through this game with fashionableclothes you'll be able to own a clothes shop and more than that youcan learn a lot about fashion. Princesses need fancy clothes,dresses wonderful and bright accessories. If in the future you wishto become a designer means that you are exactly where you need.You'll be able to go to the palace where lives the beautifulprincess, you'll be enjoying the colorful garden and you'll be ableto meet even the royal family. With us you'll be able to have agreat day.Be very attentive to details and instructions of this game.Success!- Alice is in the garden;- It receives an invitation to a party;- She needs to prepare;- First you have to call to make appointment at the spa;- Fill the tub with hot water;- Add foam;- Wash her hair with shampoo for dry hair;- Rinse with warm water;- Use a shower gel for sensitive skin;- Epilate hair on her arms;- Clean the skin with an exfoliating gel;- Rinse with warm water;- Apply a mask of fruit;- Remove spots and acne;- Apply cream for dark circles;- Cut the tops damaged;- Brush her hair;- Then you have to do a hairstyle interesting;- It's time for manicure;- Wash hands with warm water and soap;- Clean water and a clean towel;- Apply a moisturizer;- Clean the old nail polish;- Cut nails;- Apply colored nail polish;- Choose the most interesting models;- You have to makeup her, apply: contact lenses, mascara,eyeshadow, lipstick, powder for cheeks and brow pencil;- Princess looks very good;- Now she needs a dress;- This needs a designer at the castle;- They choose the fabric and model;- The dress must be perfect and you have to be very attentive todetail;- To be perfect the outfit you will be doing most beautifuljewels;- Choose the best metal;- Apply diamonds;- Jewels look great;- Do not forget the crown for princess;Thanks for your help, please come back every day through thisprincesses game for girls.Have fun!
Fashion Doll Makeover 6.3
Titan Media
Hello, how are you? You have plans fortoday?If you decided to stay home and relax you'll be happy to knowwehave a game for you, we have created it with the thought thatwecould banish boredom. This girls game gives you the opportunitytoplay with your creativity. We know you're a beautiful andtalentedyoung and you will definitely love to know girls, they areourfriends and want very much to have the most beautiful makeupandthe most beautiful clothes It is wonderful that you have chosentovisit us so that we will be able to fulfill their desire. Theywillgo to a contest and want to look perfect. You have to makeupthemvery well. We are sure that you will manage to make thembeautiful.This make up salon game is awesome , you'll make friends,you'llprove to everyone that you can be a responsible child andmore thanthat you'll be able to prove to everyone that you can havea beautysalon.For a long time we want to open our own beauty salon and now wecanfulfill our dream, you will be able to help us but be verycarefulat all instructions of this game for kids.Details are important and certainly will help you finish thegamefor children.Success!- Girls are called Jolie, Rose and Jessica;- You can choose a girl of three;- You'll have to help her with whatever needs;- First you have to prepare a spa treatment;- Clean the skin with an exfoliating gel;- Apply a mask of fruit;- Rinse with warm water;- Apply a moisturizer;- Apply a cream concealer;- Eliminate acne;- Now you have to makeup her, apply: contact lenses,mascara,lipstick, eyeshadow, powder cheeks and brow pencil;- You must choose the most beautiful dress;- Choose the most interesting accessories;- Now the young girl is preparing to go to the competition;- Definitely she will win;- You have to redecorate the room;- Everything looks perfect, you did a great job.Thank you for help, please come back every day through thisgamefor girls.Have fun!
Meatballs food cooking games 9.6.1
Titan Media
Hi, today is a superb day and we all wanttostay home and we can enjoy to our family. It is very nice toknowthat in one day we can enjoy the entire family, we can spendtimewith them and do many things together. Do you want to dosomethingfun with your family? If yes, then what you say aboutpreparingsome meatballs? Tasty, is not it? Of course, we all likemeatballsthat are delicious they cook is especially easy. Throughthiscooking game for kids you will be able to cook something verygood,you'll be able to prove to your family that you are a goodcook,especially you will be very proud of yourself when you willreceivepraise for what you have prepared.If you wish to receive more praise then you should know thatthiskids game will will help you with instructions, you just havetorespect them and be attentive to details.Success!1) Preheat oven to 175 degrees Celsius;2) In a large bowl you must add: ground meat, egg, water,breadcrumbs and onions. Mix well all the ingredients;3) Turn on the stove, place a pan on the stove, then add to thepan:sauce, lemon juice, brown sugar and butter, then you can begintofry the meatballs;Now the meatballs are ready, we are sure that they areverydelicious. You can come back tomorrow through this cooking gameforkids to help us with preparing lunch.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to chooseandother cooking games, girls games and games for girls.You are a good friend and we will expect daily to help us.Have fun and bon appetite!
Pork burger cooking games 8.5.2
Titan Media
Hello, what do you think would beappropriateto prepare for lunch today? We do not expect guests sothere shouldnot be something very special but would be great to beable toprepare something tasty that we can make very fast. We thinkthatis a good idea to prepare a sandwich but we can not do alone,weneed the help of a child who knows how to cook. You can help us?Ifyes then you should know that through this cooking game forkidsyou will be able to prepare a pork sandwich that is super. Fortheresult to be the one expected you have to follow allinstructions,you have to make sure that you will use the correctingredientsbecause we do not want lunch to be compromised.We wish you success!1) At the beginning of the game you will have to select alltheingredients that you will use. The ingredients you need are:porkchops, salt and pepper, roll, sauce, wrap food, barbequesauce,paprika, olive oil, brown sugar2) Add in a bowl the following ingredients: brown sugar,twoteaspoons of salt, a teaspoon of paprika red pepper, twoteaspoonsof paprika, then mix well with a wooden spoon;3) Spice really good the piece of meat and then cover withclingfilm;4) In a saucepan you must add: apple juice, apple vinegar sauceanda teaspoon of granulated garlic;5) In the above mixture has to add seasoned meat and then coverthepan with foil food;6) Insert the pan in the oven and wait a few minutes until itisready;7) The meat is ready, now we have to cut the bun, put butter oneachpiece of bun, add slices of meat, tomato sauce and salad.Now sandwich is ready, you can savor it as you wish.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to chooseandother cooking games, girls games and games for girls.Thanks for that you cooking with us today, you canreturnwhenever you want to help us through this kids game forpreparingsandwiches.Have fun and good appetite!
Princess Pajamas Party Girls 9.5
Titan Media
Hello, we all like parties. Partiesareorganized for different reasons. Today we want to help abeautifulprincess to organize the pajama party in the kingdom.Every yearorganizes a party and this year wants a great party andthought itwould be a good idea to prepare a pajama party where alltheirfriends wil be invited. In this app you will have to help Mayawitheverything it needs. At the castle everyone is agitated,everyonewants everything to be perfect and therefore work everyday. Allthe details are important for the party to beunforgettable.Princess wants new clothes and you have to help her,you should notforget to decorate the room where the party will takeplace.Through this application with princesses you'll be able tomakefriends and even you'll be able to prove to everyone that youare achild with many abilities.Here, in this kids games you'll be able to see how liveprincesses.We know that you will like very much.- To the beginning you have to use your attention to findandidentify a few things;- You have to arrange everything;- To decorate pillows;- Choose the most beautiful models and most beautiful colors;- Fix the TV;- You have to do cleaning;- Clean the dust;- Fix flooring;- Wash carpet;- Arrange furniture;- Choose the most beautiful models;- You have to makeup girls;- Apply: contact lenses, lipstick, eyeshadow, mascara, powdercheeksand brow pencil;- Clean ears;- Brush the teeth with a special toothpaste;- To help the young to look good doing tattoos on the face;- Choose the most beautiful colors and patterns;- The girls came to the party;- Everything looks very good;- The girls want to drink orange juice;- You have to give them cake;- They must eat vegetables and fruits;- Paint the hair;- Choose the most interesting color;- Choose a hairstyle;- Choose the most beautiful clothes;- Do not forget the accessories;- The girls were so much fun, you're a great friend.You're the best organizer of parties, please come back everydaythrough this princess games.Have fun!
Gives birth easter games 7.1
Titan Media
Hi There. Today went to the hospital afamilyin which the mother is pregnant and you have to help themtakebirth again. All nurses are busy so you must be the person whowillhelp the doctor and will do whatever he says. Please beverycareful because it is sensitive and patient has severe pain duetopregnancy. We're sure you'll do a good job and you Good Luck!1) We need to check the pulse voltage and lead them.2) check the baby using ultrasound and then make themaninjection.3) after giving birth should go home and take care ofthebaby.4) must return to the hospital to receive care from doctors.5) I apply a layer of cream on her face after that cleanskinthoroughly.6) We need to get off all the bandages on the body.7) The table is ready so you have to go with him and givehimfood.8) After you've dressed very nice take him home to his parents.You've done very well so we invite you to choose and othergamesfor girls within Acetic developer and please come back dailytohelp other people through easter gamesHave fun!
Chicken salad cooking games 9.6.3
Titan Media
Hello, in warm days we always wantsomethingcool and for this we can go to the pool, we can eat icecream,drink a glass of cold water or juice but and a vegetablesalad isperfect. This salad is wonderful, healthy and veryrefreshing. Whenyou want to get a delicious and healthy lunch ofcourse the bestoption is salad. If you like to cook this cookinggame is bestsuited for you, you will have the opportunity toprepare lunch foryour parents, all you have to do is a vegetablesalad with chicken.You have to pay attention to the instructionsand at the steps thatyou need to follow.Prove that you are a responsible child who is doing very well inthekitchen.1) First you need to go shopping in order to have allingredientsand utensils that you will need which help you tofollow thisrecipe. The ingredients are hidden under the chicken,with just oneclick you'll be able to get them. Under chickens youwill find:cucumbers, tomatoes, salt, flour, oil, eggs, onion,flour, cornbread. All ingredients must sit on a table.2) Now you can start to prepare the salad, in a bowl add twoeggsand salt, mix very well..3) Add in bowl: breadcrumbs, flour, lemon juice, mustard andredpaprika, salt, pepper and mix well. In this composition enterthechicken and then place the pieces of meat on a plate.4) Put a pan on low heat, add olive oil and fry the chickenpieceswell.5) After you have fried chicken very well have to prepare corn.Puta pan on low heat and then add the water, salt, corn oil andcornis ready within minutes.6) Pour water to remain just corn.7) Put a pan on the stove, turn the stove and add: oil, onion,cornand tomatoes. Mix very well.8) Cut onions, cucumbers, tomatoes and place them in a bowl.9) In a bowl add: red wine vinegar, apple cider vinegar,salt,pepper, honey and mix well with a whisk.9) Now you have to put all the vegetables in a bowl andmixmore.10) Now is the time to finish the salad, add all the vegetablesandsauce over chicken pieces.dinner is ready.You can decorate anyway you want and you can choose any drinksyouprefer.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to chooseandother cooking games, girls games and games for girls.Thank you for helping us to prepare tuna salad. You can comebackwhenever you want to test your culinary skills.Have fun and good appetite!
Baby Noel Shopping 4.3
Titan Media
Hi, welcome! Here you can have fun withus,you'll be enjoying the most beautiful holiday of the year,namelyChristmas. You will love to see what we have prepared foryou.Everyone loves Christmas, we all want from Santa to comeloadedwith many gifts. We go to Christmas shopping to look for themostbeautiful gifts, we prepare the most delicious cakes and evenadornthe tree. The Christmas tree is very important, it should notmiss,it is he who makes us feel the smell of Christmas. We all knowthatthis celebration means light, joy and family. Children enjoymostof this celebration, they are eagerly awaiting the arrivalofSanta, the children are the ones who remind us of theChristmascarols and the most beautiful event. With this kids gamewith Santayou can live this beautiful moment with us, you'll beable to makenew friends and even you will be able to test your manyabilities.You will love this Christmas game for children, you'll beable tohelp a little girl to prepare for Christmas.We are sure that you will be able to help, this Christmas gameisexactly what you need in this beautiful day.Follow all instructions of this winter game.Success!- You will enjoy a wonderful winter scenery;- You have to do cleaning;- Clean water;- Clean the dust;- Arrange installation;- Clean the tree;- Arrange tree branches;- Adorns the tree;- Choose the most beautiful lights and globes;- Do not forget the star at the top of the tree;- Help the little girl to buy everything she needs;- Buy: dress, boots, gloves, hat, jacket and scarf;- You have to buy gifts for all friends and the entirefamily;- The girl came to Santa;- He will provide a very nice gift;- The girl is very happy;- You are a great friend and you will have a Merry Christmas!Thank you for your help, our friend has a happy Christmasbecauseof you. Please come back every day through the game forgirls.Have fun!
Wedding Shopping Boutique 6.3
Titan Media
Hello, marriage is a very important momentinthe life of a couple and the wedding party is for the brideandgroom to celebrate their love. Today, through this weddingboutiquegame for girls you'll be able to participate in organizingabeautiful wedding. An event like this requires a lot ofattentionand a lot of work and this is why we want you to help us.You willlove to be here, you'll have fun and you learn a loteveninteresting things. One of your responsibilities will bemanaging astore with items for the wedding, here you'll be able tohelpclients and advises young lovers to have the mostbeautifulwedding. Two of our friends will be your first clients,they havegreat confidence in you and you have to help them witheverythingthey need.Use all your skills and you will definitely win the prize forthebest event organizer.Success!- John asks Emma to marry him and she accepts;- Now the two must find a suitable restaurant;- They call and make reservation a very nice restaurant;- Emma's girlfriends come to help her make the invitations;- They go to the store and buy: colored paper, scissors,flowers,glue and beads to decorate;- Invitations are ready and send them to all their friendsandfamily;- Now you have to do cleaning in restaurant;- Clean cobweb;- Wash sandstone;- Clean windows;- Clean the dust;- Fix seat;- Then you have to decorate;- Choose the most beautiful flowers;- The restaurant looks very good;- Now Emma wants to go to the spa;- You must clean the skin with exfoliating gel;- Rinse with warm water and apply a mask of fruit;- Apply a moisturizer;- Eliminate acne;- You need to do manicures and pedicures;- Wash hands and feet thoroughly;- Cut nails;- Clean the old nail polish;- Choose a form suitable for nails;- Apply colored nail polish;- Choose the designs for nails;- Nails look great;- Now you have to makeup her, apply: contact lenses,mascara,eyeshadow. lipstick, eyebrow pencil and powder forthecheeks;- Choose the most beautiful jewels;- You must choose a delicious cake;- Now you must choose a place for honeymooners;- The two want an exotic vacation;- You have to prepare the holiday luggage;- The two young people are very happy, you did a great job.Thanks for your help, please come back every day throughthismakeup game for girls.Have fun!
Police Section Cleaning 8.0.1
Titan Media
Hi, cops are the ones who keep silenceeveryday. They care that the laws be respected and they are theoneschasing the criminals. Police help us every time when we haveaproblem. You have to trust that the police manage tomaintainorder. If you are a responsible child, who likes thingsright thenyou will definitely enjoy this game for kids. You willhave to docleaning in a police station. To be able to do everythingexactlyas it should please be very careful instructions youwilluse.The game is simple and easy to follow details. Pay attention attheway you handle things like guns and you'll find they areverydangerous.Good luck!- You will find the rooms that will have to do cleaning;- You have to do cleaning in the dining room, the room wheretheshooting range and in the office;- Remove dust;- Collect garbage;- Put the guns in their place;- Wash the floor;- Wash windows;- Collect the bullets;- Place the panels that are used for practicing with weapons;- Arrange the furniture;- Everything looks great, you are a very industrious child.Thank you for your help, you are a very industrious child.Pleasecome back every day to help us through this game forkids.Have fun!
Little Baby Learn To Talk 10.1
Titan Media
Hello. My sister is very small and thesedayssaid her first words. My parents have to leave home a week andIhave to stay with my sister and play with it to not be bored. Icannot really do this so we need you. In this game you must betheperson who will play and who will spend time together withmysister.1) First you have to get out in the yard and play.2) you need to come to collect toys after you have finished.3) then go into the house and take a warm bath.4) help her wash and remove it because it can not dothisalone.5) then you have to give food.6) go into her room and help her sleep.7) tell a story or swinging her bed.8) when wakes have to dress.9) Choose the most beautiful clothes you have in the closet.10) my parents have to get home as fast so you have to behappy.Thanks you agreed to help my sister and we invite you tochooseand other games for girls in this developer.Have fun!
Employement Jobs Interview 4.8
Titan Media
Hi! What are you doing? Are you preparedtospend this beautiful day with us through this game for kids?Wantto have fun with us? If you want to have a nice day you'rerightwhere you should be, here it is waiting for you a lot ofsurprisesand you will surely be happy to learn that starting todayyou'll beable to become our friend. You will love to see what wehaveprepared for you. Here in this kids game with job interviewsyou'llbe able to have your own business and you'll even be able toseehow this kind of interviews are conducted. When you become anadultand you'll look for a job everything will seem very easybecauseyou've practiced through this application. With us you'll beableto learn many things and even you will be able to practice alltheskills. You'll be able to prove to everyone that you arearesponsible child and that you can be a wonderful friend.You'll be able to help people who come to your agency, weknowthat'll prove you're a very good businessman. You will have tohelpour friend to prepare the most important interview ofhislife.Success!- In the beginning you will know our beautiful friend;- This is in bed;- You'll have to wake up;- Help her to prepare;- It wants to go to the spa;- You must help her bathe;- Fill the tub with hot water;- Add foam;- Wash her hair with shampoo for dry hair;- Use gel shower of roses;- Dry her hair with a clean towel;- Now you have to do a facial;- Cleanse your face with exfoliating gel;- Apply moisturizer;- You have to do manicures and pedicures;- Wash hands and feet with warm water and soap;- Clean the old nail polish;- Cut nails;- Apply a nail polish;- Choose a suitable model;- It's time for makeup;- Apply: contact lenses, mascara, powder for cheeks, eyeshadowandlipstick;- Young needs a new dress;- This goes to a store;- Help her choose the most beautiful clothes;- Do not forget to buy all the accessories needed;- The young woman came to the agency;- It must complete a CV;- Our Beautiful received the job;- This will work on an airplane;- You have to do cleaning;- Collect all the garbage;- Clean the windows;- Arrange chairs;- During the flight it will have to help all travelers;- Prepare sandwiches;- The flight was terminated;- Our friend wants to walk into an amusement park;- You have to give her ice cream;- Do not forget to take a picture;- You did a great job.Thanks for your help, please come back every day throughthisgame.Have fun!
Queen Gives Birth Prince 8.0.2
Titan Media
Hi, is your lucky day, today you'll be abletomeet a royal family that soon will have a new member, acrownprince. Sure you'll be delighted to be witness at a suchanimportant moment and that is why we want to get involved youinthis story. Your role will be very important, you'll be thedoctorwho will help the beautiful queen give birth to a healthyandbeautiful prince. You definitely have a lot emotions but youshouldknow that this game for children will get rid of all emotionsandeven using the details you will be able to do everything exactlyasit should.Queen wants to become your friend and you will have to behaveverynicely with her.To make everything wonderful you have to pay attention toallinstructions of this game for girls.Good luck!- At first you have to help our queen to give birth;- You will need to consult her;- Check blood pressure;- Check heartbeat;- Check if the queen has fever;- Now you have to do ultrasound to see the baby's condition;- Do anesthesia;- Prince was born;- You will need to consult him;- Check heartbeat;- Check weight and height;- Change the diaper;- Apply a special lotion;- Now you have to give him milk;- Choose the most beautiful clothes;- Decorate the child's room;- Queen and Prince feel well, you're a very good doctor.The royal family is grateful for your help, please comebackdaily to help us through this game with the princess.Have fun!
Mommy Nail Salon 12.1
Titan Media
Hi There. This week my mother to givebirthagain, but to do so must be prepared in terms of appearance,so itcan not leave the house without nails prepare. In this gameyoumust be the person who will take care of my mother who willdounghille, and the person who will lead the nearest salon to doso.1) before they put their nails must wash the dishes.2) then you have to go to the salon.3) waited a bit, and now the time has come to enterthecompartment.4) Her hands are very untidy, so must apply specialtreatment.5) We need to clean all wounds of the hand, then we begin totreatnail.6) Clean them all nails and then apply a coat ofhardenerthem.7) Now you have to choose nail designs and apply them.8) You can choose some accessories that can be put on hand.Now my mother is prepared for this birth and invite you tochooseand other games for girls in this developer to help otherpeoplethrough these wonderful games.
Make cake games for girls 8.5.2
Titan Media
Hello, already the weather begins to coolandwe start thinking about at the moment when we will see afewsnowflakes. Cold weather and snow are two of the signsthatChristmas is coming, a beautiful holiday full of love andpeace.When Christmas comes we receive many gifts from Santa Claus,we canenjoy the presence of all relatives in our house but we mustnotforget that everything must be ready for Christmasdinner.Christmas dishes are delicious, right? We are sure thatyouconsider very delicious all the recipes that are prepared bymotheror your grandmother. If you are a lover of thiswonderfulcelebration then surely you will agree to help us toprepare aspecial cake through this cooking game for kids. If youwish todelight our taste buds then we offer this opportunitythrough thisgame for kids.For great recipe you should know that you have to followallinstructions and pay attention to all the details.Success!1) At the beginning of the game you must choose alltheingredients that you need, such as: flour, cream cheese,cream,salt, milk, cinnamon, eggs and brown sugar;2) On the table you will find a large bowl, there you must enterthefollowing ingredients: milk, eggs, yeast, sugar and salt. Youhaveto mix well until the mixture is ready;3) The composition must be placed in the oven, after a fewminutesit will be ready;4) Now you need to add in a bowl: white sugar, brown sugarandcinnamon, mix well;5) The composition of the above you will have to addoverdough;6) Add in a bowl: butter, vanilla extract, sugar, cream cheeseandsalt, mix well;7) The resulting cream will have to sit in a bag and then putitover the cakes;8)The cinnamon roll is ready, you will have to take care of howyouwill prepare the decor. You can choose the beverage youwant.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to chooseandother cooking games, girls games and games for girls.Thank you for help, you cooked very well. The cinnamonrollscooking game is perfect for you.Have fun and bon appetite!
Newborn Baby Medical Exam 16.2
Titan Media
Hi, my friend Mary is in nine monthspregnantand has to give birth soon. To do this, she needs your helpbecauseshe trusts you and know that you will do a great job. Howcan youhelp? Quite simply, in this game you will be the person whowillhelp her to buy all the necessary things for the baby andalltreatments, you'll be the doctor who will help her give birthandthen have to be her best friend to help with child.1) go to the pharmacy and buy: syringe, medicine,scissors,sphygmomanometer, ultrasound, first aid bag, paper andacorresponding device to check your heart rate.2) need to take treatment before entering the operating room.3) waiting to be born child, then help Mary.4) Choose a name for the baby, and goes all the details inaregister.5) The child has to go in his room then will you make toospecialtreatment.6) check her heartbeat, temperature, make them given him someraysand medicines.7) need to take a bath to be clean.8) help him dress then you will go to his mother in theotherroom.You did a great job, helping the birth of a child verybeautifuland healthy, so we invite you to choose and other gamesfor girlsin this developer.Thank you. Have fun!
Pool Party Adventures 3.3
Titan Media
Hi, we are happy that you have chosen tovisitus because today will be a big party namely a pool party.Theparties are very beautiful, we all like to go to events likethisand this time besides going to have fun you need to organizeaperfect party. This year we thought that the pool is perfectandonly you can help us with the organization. Through this kidsgamewith pool party you will be able to prove to everyone that youarea responsible and a very talented kid. We need your abilitiestosucceed to make happy the guests. You will have to cleanup,decorate and even prepare the most delicious summer recipes.Ourfriends must come and you have to follow all instructions forthisgame for girls to have a nice ending.We believe in your talent and maybe in the future you'll takecareof the most interesting events.Success!- Alicia needs you for the party to be a success;- For starters will have to make the invitations;- Needs: colored paper, crayons, flowers, scissors and glue;- You have to write the text;- Then you will have to send all her friends;- Now you have to do cleaning the pool;- Collect all the garbage;- Clean the dust;- Fix tiles;- Arrange tables and chairs;- Arrange umbrellas;- You have to wash the laundry;- Sort the laundry;- Enter your laundry into the washing machine;- Enter detergent;- Start the washing machine;- Within minutes the laundry must be removed;- You need to dry the laundry;- Pack clothes;- Alicia needs a facial;- Wash her face with an exfoliating gel;- Apply a mask of fruit;- Rinse with warm water;- Apply a moisturizer;- Eliminate acne;- Apply a cream for dark circles;- Now you have to do a relaxing massage;- Apply warm oil;- Epilate hair;- Wash her hair;- Arrange hair;- For makeup you need: eyeshadow, mascara, lipstick, powderforcheeks and contact lenses;- Apply fragrance of roses;- Now the girls have to go out shopping;- You must buy: sun hats, swimwear, sandals, sunscreen, lipbalm,towels and accessories;- Girls are ready for the party;- They are on sunbeds;- You have to give them fruit juice;- Then you must turn the music;- The girls want to play in the pool;- The three friends having fun very well.Thanks for your help, please come back every day through thisgamewith adventure pool.Have fun!
Mermaid Shopping 3.3
Titan Media
Hi, welcome to a world of story, today wehavefun together on the bottom of an ocean. You'll be able to knowabeautiful mermaid who wants to go shopping with you. It wantstobuy much needed by her family and just you can help. You willloveto live with sirens, you'll be able to learn as the lives ofthosethat live in water. Surely this girls game will help you toproveeverybody that you're a good friend and a gifted child. If youliketo go shopping with your mother surely you will know exactlywhatto buy. You'll know the daughter of the beautiful mermaids,you'llbe able to play with it every day through this mermaidshoppingcenter game for kids.Observe all instructions and be very attentive to details.Success!- Children's Day is coming and Emily wants to go shopping togetgifts for all children;- It needs your help to prepare;- You have to put in the bag all the things that Emily needs;- First you have to go to the store with toys;- Choose plush toys;- Wrap all toys;- Buy fish bowls;- Emily wants to sell flowers;- It needs a stall;- Help to build one;- Plant flowers;- Gather the flowers and preparing bouquets;- Arrange flowers;- You buy sweets;- Kids want candy, cookies and chocolate;- Emily with his family want to go out;- The three go to a restaurant and want to eat;- Give them fresh juices, muffins and sandwiches;- After party the place does not look very good;- You have to do cleaning;- Collect garbage;- Wash the windows;- Clean the floor;- Arrange cupboards;- Clean cobweb;- Emily wants new clothes for her daughter;- The three go to a tailor;- They choose the materials and models;- You'll have to make dresses, shirts, pants and skirts;- You have to pay everything;- You have to help the sea horse;- Collect algae;- Seahorse is very happy that you helped him, now you can playwithhis friends.Have fun!
Fashion Girls Summer Party 4.3.1
Titan Media
Hello, you have chosen to visit us in averynice moment namely summer party. Every year we organize thesummerparty, it is expected all year and every time we have manyguests.Today you will be able to have fun with us through this poolpartygame for girls. You will love to discover many interestingthingsin every level and even'll know a few girls who want to cometo ourparty. They need your help in order to prepare and certainlyyouwill do everything you can for everything to be perfect. We wantaparty that everyone speak about long time and therefore pleasetakecare of the organization, decorations, food and even makeup.Hereyou will learn a lot about fashion and even beauty tricks thatyoucan use every day. Through this kids game with parties you'llbeable to prove that you are a talented kid and a goodfriend.Do not forget to pay attention to all the details andallinstructions.Success!- At the beginning of the game you'll be able to read a messagethatyou're invited to a marvelous party;- Now you have to help the girls get ready for the party;- You can choose which girl you want to start;- First you have to clean face with exfoliating gel;- Then rinse with warm water and apply a face mask of fruit;- Clean water with a clean towel and then apply amoisturizer;- Apply a cream for dark circles;- Remove spots and acne;- Clip the eyebrows;- Wash the hair with shampoo with argan oil;- Rinse with warm water;- Dry her hair;- Now you have to makeup her, apply: contact lenses,mascara,eyeshadow, lipstick, eyebrow pencil and powder forthecheeks;- A party is ideal reason for a designer to displaytheircreations;- Our friend wants to create the most interesting clothes;- For starters must draw all models;- You will have to help;- Choose materials;- Now you have to mow carefully;- The clothes look great, and now you have to pack all bagsforgirls;- Into the baggage must be: dresses, skirts, shirts,shorts,swimwear, hats, sunglasses, protective creams, sandals,towels andcamera;- Girls get to the hotel, they get the keys and go totheirrooms;- Now you have to unpack luggage;- Help the girls choose the most beautiful swimsuits, they wanttogo to the pool;- Do not forget the accessories;- Now you have to decorate the pool;- Clean water;- Arrange chairs;- Prepare fresh juices;- The girls want to play in the water and tan;- Give them cold juices;- Girls want to listen to music;- You will need to arrange the music scene and to start;- Fashion presentation should begin;- Help the girls to dress;- Choose the most beautiful accesories;- The dresses are very beautiful, you did a great job.Thank you that you have chosen today to have fun with us,pleasecome back every day through this game withfashionableclothes.Have fun!
School Girls Love Affair 2.1
Titan Media
school girls love affair - school games